Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Healthy Revolution RESOLUTION, part One


Hell no, B's and H' ain't no typo!

Think BIG and Live Large....make this the year for change,
one minute, one day at a time.

Yes, it's been a year filled with doubts and fears and economic
hardships and personal losses.
Such is life in the big city. And still, here we all are.
Standing strong. We truly are made more interesting and
whole as measured by the adversities we can overcome.

And there's nothing we can't do; we just have to start
within ourselves and realize it.
Believe it. Promote it. Accept it. Live it.

No New Year's resolution will mean diddly if we don't get
to the root of the problem and directly alter our thought
processes. We have to TRULY learn to love and accept
ourselves, and stop trying to fit in to a mold the world has
provided for us.

No, with one wave of a magic wand we shall not be mystic-
ally transported to a land of milk and honey. But think for
just a sec how much influence NEGATIVE thinking has
produced in our lives ("I can't...", "I don't know how.",
"I'm not sure..")

Now imagine the possibilities if we replace those self-doubts
with our own cheer leading squad.
No support group in place? DO IT YOURSELF! Thinking
men and women have been pioneers in the world, single-
handedly facing obstacles for hundreds of years. We can too;
we've just been conditioned to believe otherwise.

(The author of GONE WITH THE WIND had her completed
manuscript REJECTED eighteen times before finding a
publisher of one of the best loved books of all time. Don't
give up on a dream.)

Break the chains, bust out the box, free yourself from the
limitations of your family, your job, your own thoughts, and
especially THE PAST!

The past is not a road map of where you HAVE to go.
We can change direction at any moment we decide to.
Just allow your mind to except that possibility.

Here is my prayer for all my nearest and dearest....but you
come up with your own that is especially pertinent to your life
and needs, and say it as often as you need to. Get rid of the
old tapes saying you're not good enough or smart enough;
You are.

It may take telling yourself this and other affirming ideas
hundreds of times a day for a long time until THOSE are
the thoughts you listen to about yourself, and not the
shaming ones from the past.
Be the master of your own destiny.

Even if you're rolling your eyes and squirming at the
'silliness' of it...what would it hurt to try something new?
I don't know of anyone who is 100% satisfied with where
they are at in life.

(And be patient and loving with yourself; this all takes time,
practice and patience. It's not easy, and it won't change
over night.)

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