Saturday, December 12, 2009

Daily Affirmations

IF I tell myself "This never works!", then truly, it never will.

If I say in my mind "I'll always be a screw-up," then surely it will become reality.

The same is true for looking at how the world views us, what kind of people we attract, what blessings we draw to us--or miss out on,...they all are in direct relation to how we see the world.
I kept wallowing in self-pity and self-centeredness and believing that the world had nothing to offer.

I recounted all the many times it had happened before as 'proof' or the phenomenon. I rehashed and held tightly to grievances and hurts. Rejection, and living my life in fear of rejection, were my closest allies. I have the power to change all of it, and it starts within my mind. Accepting my role in my life and choosing to use it for positive things.

Do I start the day groaning and worrying, or saying "I accept the blessings of the universe, and I draw them to me this day."
Do I dwell on traffic problems and catastrophizing speculation, or do I focus on breathing and put some relaxing music on?

Let me be aware of the intonation, and attitude, and lack of authority that I carry to situations.

Let me take responsibility for my own self, and no others.

Little things add up, and which little things we add is entirely up to us.

Just for today, I embrace possibility.

Just for today, I refuse to be down or out.

Just for today, I accept my power to thrive, not merely survive.

Just for today, I choose to believe in a happier better world than the one I have been part of previously.

The present is my domain.

Blessings to all,

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