Tuesday, January 24, 2012

January Retreat, Part Two


Why do we so desperately seek the approval of peers?

Why do we require the acceptance or respect of parents
and friends throughout life?

Why is love the one thing we go to nearly any lengths to
find, attain, and keep?

We seem to operate on a basis of fear and lacking, but
even when we get hold of 'the answer' we seek, we are
obsessed with it since it is an external source and outside
of our control. We may alter how we act or think in order
to draw another person to us.

We give up the one thing we do have--our real selves--in
order to seemingly cement the deal with a fickle person's

Our society is completely obsessed with image, illusion,
lies, and manipulation.

We almost assume duality in all things from business to
personal relationships; it's a given that people say one
thing and do another.

Think of a first date or meeting someone in business; we
are consumed by putting forth only positive imagery,
glossing over the warts...we want to impress this stranger.
But what are we presenting if not the real us?

What is your mindset?

Are we fixed, finite, knowable, set creatures, rigid and
absolute in our parameters?
Or are we ever-developing complex, complicated creatures
on a journey of discovery?

How you believe probably has great impact on how you
live. Whether you are open to possibility and differences,
or whether you seek the illusion of control and try to
maintain a set role.

We don't really ever know where we've been, often
times, so how can we know where we're going? Goals
are fine, as long as they're written in pencil.

Do we need to know for sure?

If we're honest, we probably would say that we're
uncertain and doubtful at times, despite the need to
appear solid and ready.
Why can't we let others be unsure too?

Ah, because presentation is the thing; WE know
we're doubtful, but we don't want anyone else to.

If we are so desperate for love, are we truly open to
receiving it?

Do we find the measure of our worth based on
whether or not another person loves us?
Whether people laugh at our jokes or not?
Whether our product sells or we get the raise?
Is our value based upon the acceptance of a key person?

Or do we try and please everyone at all times, losing
our true self?

We achieve a sense of separateness, or division when
we go about seeking to connect in such ways. The very
goal we sought becomes counter to what we receive
because of the tactics we employ to attain it.


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