This is what HIV looks like up close.
Do you know how to spot it from a distance?
In 2008, there were 42,439 new cases
of HIV transmission reported.
That's just transmission of the virus
that were caught by people who were
tested or had blood run.
The Black/African-American community
accounted for just over 50% of the
new cases of HIV, and the rate
of transmission for Black and Hispanic
women is FIFTEEN times higher
than that of other races of women.
These communities continue to
be at significant risk due to aversion to
education about the virus as well
as aversion to safer sex practices.
Other groups like young adults are at risk
because they think the virus is over. When's
the last time YOU heard anything about
HIV or AIDS on the news?
Being afraid won't keep you safe
from HIV and AIDS.
Avoiding certain people won't prevent the spread
of the virus.
Thinking you are one of the privileged few who
is 'safe' will not keep you safe.
Believing the sweet nothings of a lover, or
not wanting to 'ruin' a tender moment
will not stop the spread of this undetected
Be aware.
Be smart.
Protect yourself.
Open a dialogue with those you love, today.