Saturday, December 11, 2010

Introduction to Narcissistic Personality Disorder

No exploration of another's bad acts can be complete
without a fair dose of introspection also taking place.
We don't exist in a vacuum, and in the scheme of the
universe, we draw to us those who compliment our own
dark needs and desires. We play an integral part in who
inhabits our realm.

So, like most of life, there is need for personal responsibility
in who is drawn to us and what they do once there. This
is not an attempt to excuse bad behavior in the least; there
is no 'blaming the victim' as the rapist claims lack of remorse
because his target wore a short skirt.

People who take advantage of the weak and vulnerable
aspects of their fellow humans are not well. But they are
to be helped and overcome, feared and avoided...even
pitied and shown compassion. But our first duty is to self,
and the most important facet of knowing a person who
suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder is to understand
them in order to avoid being hurt by them.

Following the exploration of the machinations of an NPD,
there will also be investigation of what makes someone
vulnerable to them and open top being hurt by them.
Even more importantly, I'll look at how 'victims' can stop
being such and defend themselves from such attacks/incidents,
as well as how to recover from the experience.


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