Thursday, January 10, 2013

Acceptance of Perceived Limitations

If I were to clone myself
(repeatedly, even,)
speed up my response time,
improve my IQ,
and find a way to squeeze out
another ten hours in a day....

Were I able to eliminate the need
for food, sleep, and other pedestrian

I would still likely never
'catch up' or accomplish
everything on my 'To Do' list!

Because it's in the nature of
humans to forever be expanding
our reach to match increased
range or resources.

(Look at how Lottery winners
who were bankrupt quickly
spend enough to exceed their new
grasp and wind up in the exact
same situation!)

Life is not about 'completion,'
but rather striving.
Constant flow...ingress,
egress, regress...

(And anyone who puts forth
the notion that they're pulled together,
perfectly content, and have done
all that they intended--I'll
point out to you a damned liar!)


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