Thursday, August 18, 2011

Back On It

What with all the depression and frustration and blah, blah, blah
of recent months, I had made a conscious decision to let my
healthy eating/lifestyle slide.

I rationalized that some food-related comfort was acceptable,
and I might as well enjoy life since I don't know how much
longer I have, etc.
You know the drill!

I was also having trouble finding what foods I needed for
optimum health through the food bank and with my limited
food stamps. (For those not 'in-the-know,' healthier eating
is more expensive.)

Shit 'foods' are readily available and inexpensive. It costs
very little to manufacture the empty calories that are killing
Americans with completely avoidable health problems; diabetes,
hyper-tension, cancer, stroke, heart attack, etc.

The biggest 'convincer' that "some of this stuff won't hurt you!"
myth is that the habit of poor eating is so widespread. Even
after all the nutrition facts and statistics and scientific results,
most people in this country treat their bodies like a garbage dump.

We use white flour because we always have, we use sugar
because it's possibly the most highly addictive substance (besides
nicotine) on the planet, and we FRY, FRY, FRY because that's
the way that's always been done.

So, after stuffing my face with crap and feeling bad the next day
and tiring of seeing my never-ending waistline expansion,
I got real. Again. No more excuses.

*I am responsible for everything I put in my mouth.
*It is not a 'Treat' to lace my body with chemicals and artery-cloggers.
*Sugar is a drug; stop medicating with it, Robert!
*No more giving in to what's easier; make better decisions.

I have to remember my goals. I have to think of the
long haul, and not be distracted with the momentary pleasures.
It's just like every other addictive and compulsory problem;
except I have to deal with this every single day.

I sort of lost my way, and once you do it, staying lost is easy.
But I have to bear in mind that I care about myself, and that isn't a
part time job. Being conscious and "in the moment" about food
intake--and exercise--is crucial for me to have the kind of life
I want...and deserve.

It isn't magic. It isn't going to fix itself.
It's hard work and will power. But we can do it, once we
decide we need to and we're worthwhile.

This isn't punishment. It isn't an ordeal. I can and do eat fun
and tasty food. Like everything else, I have to stop allowing
myself to be influenced by the majority, and just DO WHAT

It works out ever so much better in the end!


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