Sunday, August 15, 2010

"I Gotta Be Me"

Discovering what we as individuals 'are made of' is an empowering process.
Painful, sometimes long, often confusing...but filled with power!

As we shed the lies of this world, uncovering the importance of our own
song, our own spirit, our own capability, there is a peace that sets in.
The process of removing the shackles that were bred into us and reinforced 
over a lifetime is a journey not everyone undertakes.

The world is Sameness Manifested. Human mirroring human for gain of
money or status, rebelling against the true self for the profitability of being
invited into the inner sanctum. Duplicity and darkness reign in the outer
world, but they do not have to invade our true world.

It says something about people when they need to see themselves reflected
back from the people surrounding them. Narcissus needed a constant image
of himself reflected back lest he became irritable and discontent. He didn't
trust his own view to be genuine, and that's a fatal mistake.

Beauty is in seeking our own voice, exploring our own truth, and creating
our unique, whole self into the world. Who else can I be other than who I am?
It is often late in life that we discover the existential dilemna of the need to
marry much of our private selves and public selves.  

 *How can our reason for existing be to meet the needs of others?
 *If no one cares after we're gone--including us--why are we concerned?
 *How much of the social agreements I made are legit or necessary?
 *Is the illusion of comfort worth more than the birthing pain of honest living?
 *Why would I have a spectacular unique view if not to share it?

I can only relate to others and the world when I am whole. If I share choice
bits and pieces to please others, there is no acceptance of the real me....only
selective approval. 

If I choose to be undone, to be unbecoming, then I lay myself bare to the
universal the insistence from deep within that there is joy in being
free, no matter what these earthly circumstances. Man only has power over
me if I give it to him. I choose not to give my power away. I claim it. I embrace
it. I voice it.

I will  sing even when others do not appreciate...
I will dress as I find fitting....
I will love whom I choose....
I will enjoy my pursuits.....
I will live without understanding or approval....

The world exists on its own terms; I live based on mine.

To find strength of self in this world, you need to find a balance between
"I love all things equally" and "This is me; Go **** yourself."

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