Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"The Myth of Mental Illness"

(In deference to Thomas Szasz and his book of the same name.)

It's obvious that some conditions are real and needing
treatment, but many diagnoses and treatments seem a
more arbitrary labeling of eccentricities as malignancies.
Manufactured notions of 'unwellness' due to the dreaded
and most dire of all conditions within a patient; not reflecting
the established social norms.

Others gravitate to states of 'illness' due to easily-influenced
minds that are told they are unwell (and said patient buying into
that diagnosis and all the nasty innuendo that conspires to attribute.)

Others have unwellness caused by their very marginalization
and ostracization which accompanies being labeled as 'mental defect'
in a world that hates all differentness; they are removed from the
benefits of inclusion and in fact suffer derision and brutality as a
result of being different.

Abuse and isolation definitely can lead to mental distress.

If 'mental illness' is the end result of trying to makes sense
of the collection of absurdities making up this world, who's
really to blame? Those who crack up, or those who are unwell
enough to pull off the duplicity and cutthroat participation?

As always, those in charge decide how history is written.


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