Wednesday, February 23, 2011


Reality is not going to
engage in an argument with you.

It will not fight back; it
merely sits, unchanging.
Undaunted. Unconcerned.

You will not hurt its feelings by
pouting, falling apart, or
becoming frustrated or
irate at what is.

We might as well make peace.

If you have a car accident, it has
already happened and cannot be undone.

If an adult child is self-destructing
and will not allow help, it cannot
be altered.

If you have lost a job, it cannot be

Life moves on beyond all these
conditions, but when they are the case,
they are the case.

So much energy and time is
wasted on trying to bend the universe
to our will.

"If only...."

Make peace with the sweet existence
of reality.

Now, how we react to it.....
that's something we can change!


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