Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Stray Dog

A Reality Explored

One day a stray dog, obviously diseased and
sickly approached an old couple in their country

The dog approached them--that's all.

The couple had a choice to be frightened and
assume the worst. They could have imagined
the dog was vicious. They might have had
a prior experience with a wild dog that left them
concerned. Perhaps they heard a news story
about someone being attacked by a dog.

The mind brings much to every encounter
except perhaps accurate analysis of what is
actually happening in front of the eyes.

There are a hundred different possible
scenarios that could have emerged from
the couple's encounter with the dog.

They could have shot the dog to put it
out of misery. They could have shot the dog
rather than chance it attacking.

They could have turned it away with a stern
warning. They could have placed food and
water out but then sent it along. They could
have ignored it as it hovered.

Perhaps they could have treated its wounds
and left it alone. Taken it to the vet for
treatment and placement.

They could have helped the dog recuperate and
then sent it back to the wild. Saved it and
kept it as a companion.

They could have taken the animal in as their
own but not done anything to treat it.
They could have become abusive to the dog
in their own way.

So many possibilities...hundreds of different
options, and any one accessible by the
actions of the moment. The power of choice.

So the only reality is that the dog approached.

What happens next is dictated by the
reactions of the couple. The reaction is in part
influenced by the thoughts of the couple. But
decisions are optional constructs, made by
whatever level of consciousness in possessed
by the couple.

The dog merely exists; it is the reality.

We form the next phase by how we respond.
If we respond.
By what level we accept all aspects of a
situation as it is, not how we perceive it to be.

Do you see a dog that wants to bite?
Do you see a dog that wants to be healed?
Do you see a threat, a victim, or a kindred
What fills your eyes?


Murky Waters

So what happens when someone mixes reality with
supposition? Do we get tricked and swallow the
bait? Or do we sift through the murky waters and
garner the kernel of truth, leaving the rest?

This is a tricky area; separating what we believe
from what is fact.

Say you're not feeling well, so you go to the
doctor. The doctor runs tests, and comes to you
with the results. The doctor presents that you are in
fact sick (which we'll assume for the purposes of
this exercise, is a fact.)

Next, however, the doctor decides to give a little 'gift.'

"I give you 6 months to live," he or she states.

Take it back.
Don't curse me, you quackish hack.
F*** you very much, Doctor Douche bag.

This is an assumption, not fact. It is the doctor's
reality, which is distinctly different from being
actual reality or your reality. It doesn't become
reality until you accept it, embrace it, take it
inside and give it a home. That's a choice.

The sickness may be true. Sickness is treatable.
Attitude and mental clarity are huge factors in
addressing any dis-eases in the body. Some
even point to evidence that disease is a direct
result of stress, thinking, and pent-up emotions.

Maybe you want a death sentence?

Maybe you believe life is unfair and you feel
dramatic and want to die and feel sorry for
yourself prior?

Maybe you simply think big ol'
important doctors know more about your body
and your fighting spirit than you?

Maybe a lot of there are plenty
of folks out there who decide to improve their
lives as a result of such erroneous curses from
doctors, and come back from it better than ever.

We choose everything in our world.
How we live. Whether or not we want to live.
Giving up is a choice, too. It isn't a reality....
despair is a state of mind.

Life can be as good as we want it to be.
What do we really want?
Have we ever been asked before?



Reality is not going to
engage in an argument with you.

It will not fight back; it
merely sits, unchanging.
Undaunted. Unconcerned.

You will not hurt its feelings by
pouting, falling apart, or
becoming frustrated or
irate at what is.

We might as well make peace.

If you have a car accident, it has
already happened and cannot be undone.

If an adult child is self-destructing
and will not allow help, it cannot
be altered.

If you have lost a job, it cannot be

Life moves on beyond all these
conditions, but when they are the case,
they are the case.

So much energy and time is
wasted on trying to bend the universe
to our will.

"If only...."

Make peace with the sweet existence
of reality.

Now, how we react to it.....
that's something we can change!
