Friday, November 11, 2011

One Moment at a Time

Even if you feel like you can't do a lot,
every one of us can do a little.
Right where we are, every day, for a little
bit of time...we can make a differnce.

You don't start off a battle by
trying to win the whole war.
It's incremental, slow, strategic, one step at
a time. Taking care of our bodies is a battle.
We are in a war for our well-being.

If you're pressed for time, do
exercises where you're at.
Do squats while you brush your teeth.
Do side bends while vacuuming.
Do isometric muscle tensing while driving.

If you work at a desk, do knee lifts and
foot rotations and neck stretches.
Take stairs.
Walk during your lunch break, even if
just around the building.
When it's cold, walk at the grocery store.

Eat just a little less than normal, once a day.
Eat your last meal a little earlier in the day.
Cut starches just one meal a day.
Do without butter just one meal a day.

Every little decision adds up to an end result.

Don't buy the baloney that you can't affect
real change right where you are, right
like you are. You can start a revolution
without severe cosmetic or financial
or geographic changes;
life happens wherever we are.

One choice at a time.
